apparently, this is the only photo i have of a computer!
There's nothing secret or new about the following list, and a lot of it pulls from unix. It's certainly not all encompassing! If I can remember to, I'll keep updating this entry with the nifty bits. Also, its really hard to remember these, without needing to use them! If you're really into apple secrets, check out secrets!
Use 'serial' to connect a usb/serial ftdi modem etc...: screen /dev/tty.YOURDEVICE BAUD ...substitute BAUD with, well, the baud rate and YOURDEVICE, with what you find using: ls /dev/tty.*
use 'nc' aka netcat to send/receive tcp/udp commands
i.e. nc -u 700
Forgot to sudo and got denied? Simply hit 'sudo !!'
need to make a user admin over the terminal?:
sudo dseditgroup -o edit -a usernametoadd -t user admin
sudo dseditgroup -o edit -a usernametoadd -t user admin
sudo dseditgroup -o edit -a usernametoadd -t user wheel
use 'top' to see more than 'ps'
'crontab -e' well, kinda obvious...
osx version? 'sw_vers' will give you a little, 'system_profiler' all of it
osx version? 'sw_vers' will give you a little, 'system_profiler' all of it
want to read only the last 20 lines of a log file?: 'tail -c 20 system.log'
read xkcd? 'open http://uni.xkcd.com/' ;)
read xkcd? 'open http://uni.xkcd.com/' ;)
/sbin/mount -uaw
rm /var/db/.AppleSetupDone
...this let's you own, really any os x machine, though its not fun to go through the apple welcome stuff again...
how much battery is left? 'ioreg -l | grep Capacity'
ioreg has a plethora of info and is worth running without the pipe. If you need to find out any other peripheral info in ioreg, you can change the grep option.
i'll add more soon!
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